HC Deb 23 May 1938 vol 336 cc841-2
38. Mr. Rostron Duckworth

asked the Minister of Agriculture to what extent the production of British cheese has increased or decreased since the inception of the milk marketing scheme; and whether, in view of the large quantity of cheese which is still imported into this country, special attention can be given to this matter in the near future?

Mr. W. S. Morrison

As the reply to the first part of the question is in the form of a table, with my hon. Friend's permission I will circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT. With regard to the second part of the question, I would refer my hon. Friend to the statement of the Government's proposals affecting the milk industry contained in the White Paper of July last, as amplified by the reply I gave to a question put on 7th December, 1937, by my hon. and gallant Friend, the Member for Maldon (Sir E. Ruggles-Brise).

Following is the table:

Quantities of milk disposed of under the English Milk Marketing Scheme for manufacture into cheese in factories and on farms.

Period. Factory cheese. Farm cheese.
'000 gallons. '000 gallons.
Oct., 1933—Mar., 1934 (6 months). 19,181 *
Apr., 1934—Sept., 1934 (6 months). 42,455 18,846
Total 1933–34 61,636 *
Oct., 1934—Mar., 1935 (6 months). 34,469 2,473
Apr., 1935—Sept., 1935 (6 months). 58,162 11,532
Total 1934–35 92,630 14,005
Oct., 1935—Mar., 1936 (6 months). 33,194 3,650
Apr., 1936—Sept., 1936 (6 months). 56,604 14,066
Total 1935–36 89,798 17,716
Oct., 1936—Mar., 1937 (6 months). 22,590 4,208
Apr., 1937—Sept., 1937 (6 months). 36,740 15,415
Total 1936–37 59,330 19,623
Oct., 1937—Mar., 1938 (6 months). 13,568 5,759
*No figures available.
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