HC Deb 19 May 1938 vol 336 cc555-7
13 and 14. Mr. Kirkwood

asked the Minister of Labour (1) whether he has given consideration to the need to introduce a short Bill to amend existing legislation in order that the trade boards shall have power to grant an annual holiday with pay in accordance with the recommendations of the Committee on Holidays with Pay;

(2) whether he has given consideration to the report of the Committee on Holidays with Pay; and what action it is proposed to take in order to carry out the recommendation of the committee?

5. Mr. Benjamin Smith

asked the Minister of Labour whether the Government have now come to a decision regarding the legislation recommended by the Holidays with Pay Committee?

11. Mr. Jagger

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is in a position to indicate when he proposes to introduce legislation to amend the. Trade Boards Acts, as recommended in the report on Holidays with Pay?

15. Mr. Ellis Smith

asked the Minister of Labour whether he will consider the need to set up a department of the Ministry for the purpose or organising the leisure of the people preparatory to putting into operation the recommendations of the Committee on Holidays with Pay?

Mr. E. Brown

I am not yet able to announce decisions on this subject, but a preliminary survey of the many and varied recommendations of the Holidays with Pay Committee has been made.

Mr. E. Smith

In view of the greater body of support for the proposals contained in the report will the Minister give consideration to them when he is introducing legislation based on the report?

Mr. Brown

The hon. Member will understand that the report contains a number of recommendations, some of them affecting my Department and some affecting other Departments. There are also legislative recommendations of a minor character, some of which are suggested to take place after a period of years.

Captain Arthur Evans

Will the right hon. Gentleman consider making representations to major industries to see whether it is possible to settle this matter on a voluntary basis?

Mr. Brown

That is the general tenor of the report: it is one of the things I have to do.

Mr. Jagger

Will the right hon. Gentleman consider the point raised in Question n, as it should not take a long time to deal with?

Mr. Brown

That is the kind of question I had in mind when I drew the distinction between the recommendations in the report.

Mr. Louis Smith

During the time that it may be necessary to give to the consideration of this report, and having regard to the large number of workers who receive holidays with pay by agreement with the employers, will the right hon. Gentleman or his Department get into touch with other industries and see whether an extension can be made?

Mr. Brown

We are constantly in touch with industry, as the result of the last year shows.

Mr. E. Smith

Is there any likelihood of legislative or other action on the report in the near future?

Mr. Brown

I cannot answer that question now. As I have said, I have not been able to make a decision, but we have made a complete survey of the whole report.

Mr. Silverman

Is there any hope of arranging on a voluntary basis for holidays with pay in the textile industry?

Mr. Brown

That is a detail question which really does not arise now.