HC Deb 19 May 1938 vol 336 c585
Mr. Attlee

May I ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer to state the business for next week?

Sir J. Simon

Monday—Report and Third Reading of the Housing (Rural Workers) Amendment Bill; consideration of any Lords Amendments to the Rent Restrictions Bill which may be received from another place; further consideration of the Air Navigation Bill.

Tuesday—Supply: Committee (7th Allotted day). The Board of Trade Vote will be taken and the economic situation with particular reference to the coal, iron and steel, and textile industries will be discussed.

Wednesday—Consideration of the Leader of the Opposition's Motion on Air Defences.

Thursday—Second Reading of the Finance Bill.

Friday—Committee and remaining stages of the Road Haulage Wages Bill.

On any day, if there is time, other Orders will be taken.