HC Deb 11 May 1938 vol 335 cc1572-3
41. Mr. Alexander

asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs what percentage of cocoa exports from the West Coast of Africa for the ensuing six months has been allocated to the firms who are adherents of the buyers agreement and parties to the agreement referred to in the recent ordinance; whether this allocation includes supplies for re-sale by the firms who are parties to the agreement; and what steps have been taken to secure equitable treatment for other independent buyers by ensuring to them supplies at f.o.b. prices not higher than those paid for the supplies allocated to the pool?

Mr. M. MacDonald

My Noble Friend is unable to give the exact figures requested; but licences for the export of 94 per cent. of the permitted quantity will be allocated on the basis of average exports during the last two years to individual shippers, including both those who were parties to the recent agreement and those who remained outside it. There are no restrictions on the purchase or sale of cocoa.

Mr. Alexander

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that that means, in effect, that the pool firms get about 90 per cent. of the cocoa exported in the next six months, and that other firms who cannot get supplies will have to pay specially dear for them?

Mr. MacDonald

The allocation is not confined to the pool firms, it includes on an equal basis firms who were parties to the recent agreement and firms who were not.

Sir J. Haslam

On a point of Order. May I make a request to you, Mr. Speaker, that supplementary questions may be asked in a voice that can be heard here? For the first time in my experience of this House we are absolutely a united front down here and we wish to hear both the questions and the answers.

Mr. Alexander

I think I am usually heard when hon. Members are reasonably quiet.