50. Mr. David Adamsasked the Minister for the Co-ordination of Defence whether he will make a statement arising out of his recent conferences with representatives of the engineering and shipbuilding industries?
§ 53. Sir A. Knoxasked the Minister for the Co-ordination of Defence whether, in accordance with his suggestion, the Engineering and Allied Employers National Federation have invited the Amalgamated Engineering Union and the Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions to meet to discuss the speeding-up of the armament programme; whether these bodies have yet met and, if not, why?
§ The Minister for the Co-ordination of Defence (Sir Thomas Inskip)I understand that the Engineering Employers' Federation wrote to the Amalgamated Engineering Union and the Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions on 5th April inviting them to a meeting. The Confederation have accepted the invitation. No reply has yet been received from the Amalgamated Engineering Union, but I am informed the Executive Council are meeting to-day to consider the invitation.
§ Sir A. KnoxCan the right hon. Gentleman say what is the reason for this enormous delay? Was not the invitation issued by the Employers' Federation on 5th April? Why has a whole month's delay occurred before this important matter is inquired into?
§ Mr. KirkwoodIs the Minister for the Co-ordination of Defence not aware that the officials of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers view the Minister with suspicion, the reason being that they know he is asking for sacrifices from the engineers, these sacrifices being their trade rights, for which they have fought for 50 years? They have no right to surrender these rights, but to defend these rights. When he is approached by them will he treat them with justice?
§ Sir T. InskipThe hon. Member is under a misapprehension. I have not asked the Amalgamated Society of Engineers or the Federation of Shipbuilding Workers to make sacrifices. I have asked them to meet the representatives of the Engineering and Allied Employers National Federation in order to discuss how they can provide the necessary skilled labour in this emergency.
§ Mr. KirkwoodIs it not the case that the right hon. Gentleman has stated by his public pronouncements that the engineers will be called upon to make sacrifices? They are not going to do it.
Mr. David AdamsIn view of the fact that such meetings are to take place and we understand that one is to take place this afternoon, will information relating to them be placed at the disposal of the House?
§ Mr. ThurtleIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that it is stated on the "tape" that the Executive Committee of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers have decided to attend the conference?
§ Sir T. InskipI have not received that information previously. With regard to the other question I shall always be happy to give such information to the House with regard to these proceedings as it is in my power to give.
§ Sir A. KnoxWill the right hon. Gentleman answer my question and say what is the reason for the delay?
§ Sir T. InskipI am not able to answer the question of the hon. and gallant Member. I desire, as he does, as much expedition as is possible.
§ Sir A. KnoxShould it not be made public who really is to blame for the delay?