HC Deb 30 March 1938 vol 333 cc1993-4
45. Mr. Mabane

asked the Prime Minister whether, in view of the desire of His Majesty's Government to revive the League of Nations and to lend the influence of this country to the revision of relations between nations, which appear to demand review, and in view of the opinion widely held in this country that the decline of the League and the deterioration of the European situation has been substantially due to the undue emphasis placed on Article 16, which provides for sanctions, while Article 19, which provides for the redress of injustices, has been ignored, he will either consider asking for a special meeting of the Assembly of the League in order that grievances and injustices at present disturbing European relations may be considered immediately under the provisions of Article 19 of the Covenant of the League or indicate the methods he proposes for securing the consideration and redress of grievances?

The Prime Minister

As I stated in the House of Commons on 24th March, His Majesty's Government have constantly lent, and are prepared to continue to lend, their influence to the revision of relations between nations established by treaty or otherwise which appear to demand review. They will continue whether by way of action through the League or by direct diplomatic effort to exert all their influence on the side of bringing to peaceful and orderly solutions any issues liable to interrupt friendly relations between nations. I have at present nothing to add to this statement, and I do not consider that any useful purpose will in present circumstances be served by convoking a special meeting of the Assembly of the League of Nations.