HC Deb 29 March 1938 vol 333 cc1817-8
14. Mr. Kimball

asked the Secretary of State for War whether, in view of the excellent results of the Home Secretary's recent appeal for air-raid precautions volunteers, he will consider making a similar appeal for recruits for the Territorial Army anti-aircraft batteries and searchlight companies, and give such an appeal the widest possible publicity by means of the British Broadcasting Corporation?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

This has been done. As an example, the Lord Mayor of London, with public spirit lent premises in the Mansion House to advise would-be recruits to the Territorial Army. The bureau has now been transferred to Drapers' Hall, opposite the Stock Exchange, and recruits have been coming in fast. On Thursday next it moves to 26, Austin Friars. The interest shown is indicated by the number of inquiries received. In the first week there were about 15,000 at the Mansion House. Lord Mayors and Mayors have offered similar facilities in other large centres of population, and I have no doubt that a large proportion of those who are eligible to join the Territorial Army will respond. The British Broadcasting Corporation has also offered to include a Territorial Army item in the afternoon and evening television programmes on Easter Monday, and this is being arranged.

Mr. Thorne

When do you think that these men will be disbanded?

Mr. T. Williams

Can the right hon. Gentleman say how many of these would-be recruits joined the kite flyers and how many the searchlight brigade?

17. Major Macnamara

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he will consider organising a national recruiting week during which a special effort by means of meetings, marches, displays, demonstrations, wireless talks, advertisement by posters on hoardings, motor cars, etc., could be made to recruit the Territorial Army up to full strength before the summer camps?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

At a recruiting week held in Aberdeen between 5th and 12th March, where such aids were employed by the Aberdeen City Territorial Army and Air Force Association, the following results accrued: 625 recruits were taken in the week, compared with 259 in the whole of the preceding 11 months; and the strength of the local units not only reached but passed the establishment figure of 1,812 by over 270 men. Other Territorial Army associations have had good results from such weeks, and I hope they will be held elsewhere on dates which suit the varying needs of different localities.