HC Deb 15 March 1938 vol 333 cc194-5
20. Mr. R. Gibson

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the length of railway tunnelling inside and just outside Greenock; and whether the regional inspector of the Air-Raid Precautions Department will recommend to the local authority the advisability of making use of such tunnelling for the protection of the population in the event of an air raid alarm being given?

Mr. Elliot

I am informed that there are nine railway tunnels inside and just outside Greenock, the total length being about 2½ miles. As regards the second part of the question, I cannot add anything to the reply which I gave to the hon. and learned Member's question on the 4th instant.

Mr. Gibson

Does not the right hon. Gentleman consider that that tunnel would offer the very best possible protection in the case of an air raid?

Mr. Elliot

Certainly. As I said in the previous answer, I can say nothing until the local authorities have considered the whole question of the provision of such shelters, but we must not interfere here with the discretion of local authorities on every occasion.

27 and 28. Mr. Davidson

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland (1) the number of gas-mask storage centres now established in Scotland, and the location of such centres;

(2) the number of gas-mask distributive centres now established in Scotland, and the location of such centres?

Mr. Elliot

As indicated in reply to the hon. Member's question of 8th February a regional store with a capacity of about 3,000,000 gas-masks has been set up at Galashiels. A circular will be issued shortly to local authorities containing recommendations regarding the establishment by them of local gas-mask stores, and also of smaller distributing depots in close proximity to the population to be served.

Mr. Davidson

May I take it that this leaflet will give instructions for local stores to be kept in every city in Scotland and every area for immediate distribution, and that the gas masks will not be retained in one centre?

Mr. Elliot

They will be distributed.

29. Mr. Davidson

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether a plan or plans have been submitted for the defence of Loch Katrine under the air raid precautions; and, if so, has he any statement to make?

Mr. Elliot

This matter is receiving attention but the hon. Member will appreciate that it would not be in the public interest to make any statement.

Mr. Davidson

While aware that one scheme was submitted and rejected, may I ask for an assurance that the water supply of this very great city is not being neglected and that immediate steps will be taken for its protection?

Mr. Elliot

I would not like to give any further reply.

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