HC Deb 08 March 1938 vol 332 cc1722-3
76. Mr. Tomlinson

asked the Minister of Health the number of people in receipt of domiciliary relief in the Lancashire county administrative area at 31st December, 1931, and at 31st December, 1937; the cost of such relief; and the same information respecting the county boroughs of Manchester, Salford, Liverpool and Blackburn?

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Health (Mr. Bernays)

As the answer contains a number of figures I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Tomlinson

Will the Minister kindly see that the Prime Minister is supplied with a copy in order that he may see the growing burden upon local authorities?

Following is the answer:

Statement showing the average number of persons in receipt of out-relief in money and kind in December, 1931, and December, 1937, and the average weekly cost of such relief during those months, in the areas mentioned by the hon. Member.

utility undertakings in regard to air-raid precautions?

The Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd)

Inquiries into the most effective way of assisting essential public utility undertakings to continue functioning in war time, including consultation with the authorities concerned, are in progress in the case of electricity, gas and railways, and are about to begin in the case of water supply and dock and harbour authorities. As soon as the inquiries are completed it will be possible to indicate the amount of grant available from Exchequer funds and the principles of its distribution.

Sir J. Mellor

In view of the long delay that has already taken place, can my hon. Friend promise that the negotiations with the public utility undertakings will not be protracted, as were the negotiations with the local authorities?

Mr. H. G. Williams

Is it not the case that discussions commenced about two years ago, and is it not now about time that some conclusion was arrived at?