HC Deb 03 March 1938 vol 332 cc1284-5
71. Mr. David Adams

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether, in view of the intended transfer to the Stationery Office printing works at Harrow of the bulk revenue stamping now carried out at Somerset House by the stamping department of the Board of Inland Revenue, he will consider, before the transfer is carried out, the question of the resulting inconvenience to commercial interests situate in central London?

Lieut.-Colonel Colville

Yes, Sir. Any representations which the interests concerned may desire to make on this important aspect of the transfer will receive the most careful consideration.

72. Mr. D. Adams

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether he is aware that, after a delay of two and a half years, the Board of Inland Revenue has finally rejected a claim for the establishment of the class of unestablished women tellers employed in the office of the director of stamping and is now delaying the reference to the Civil Service Arbitration Tribunal of a claim by the appropriate staff association for a compensatory increase in pay for this class; and whether he will take steps to ensure that the position of members of this class is not prejudiced by the delay on the part of the Board of Inland Revenue in agreeing to terms of reference for the Civil Service Arbitration Tribunal?

Lieut.-Colonel Colville

I am aware that the Board of Inland Revenue have rejected the claim for establishment of the grade of unestablished women tellers in the office of their Director of Stamping, and that the appropriate staff association has submitted a claim for a compensatory increase in pay. I cannot agree that the board are delaying their consideration of this claim. The claim was received on 2nd February, and the board replied on 11th February asking for certain information, which was furnished on 16th February. The matter is now under active consideration, and will continue to be dealt with as expeditiously as possible. I see no reason to suppose in these circumstances that the position of the officers concerned is likely to be prejudiced.

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