HC Deb 30 June 1938 vol 337 c2122
73. Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether His Majesty's Government will now recognise the Western Isles of Scotland as a Special Area in view of the failure of staple industry, the severe and prolonged unemployment, arid the lack of any prospect of recovery without Government assistance?

Mr. Wedderburn

It was made clear during the passage of the Special Areas (Amendment) Act last Session that it was not intended to alter the areas defined in the Act of 1934.

Mr. MacMillan

Is the Minister aware that all the conditions under the Special Areas (Amendment) Act were fulfilled, as was proved in the discussion which we had during an all-night sitting in this House, and can he give us any reason why the Western Isles were left out of it, in those conditions?

Mr. Wedderburn

I do not think that the machinery of that Act has ever been found suitable for the Highland counties, which receive preferential treatment in a number of other ways.

Mr. MacMillan

In view of the fact that the Act is not suitable, that no legislation has so far been proposed for the Western Isles and that they receive preferential treatment only because they need it, will the Minister introduce legislation, in consultation with the Minister of Labour, at an early date?