HC Deb 30 June 1938 vol 337 c2123
75. Mr. McGovern

asked the Lord Advocate whether the attention of the Procurator-Fiscal has been drawn to a practice by certain debt recovery agents in Glasgow, where they get a form signed empowering them to collect debts and taking legal court and poinding charges from both creditor and debtor; and whether he will make a statement on the matter?

Mr. Wedderburn

Various cases of the type referred to have been brought to the notice of my right hon. and learned Friend, and are at present under examination by Crown Counsel. My right hon. and learned Friend cannot at this stage make any statement on the matter.

Mr. McGovern

Would the hon. Gentleman convey to the Lord Advocate the desire of a large number of people who are suffering from the actions of these debt recovery agents that there should be a tightening up of the law to prevent these practices, which are going on in the east end of Glasgow especially?

Mr. Wedderburn

The Lord Advocate is well aware of the representations which have been made but, as I said, matters are being discussed with Crown Counsel.