HC Deb 30 June 1938 vol 337 cc2095-6
12. Mr. R. Gibson

asked the Minister of Labour what instructions have been issued to Employment Exchange officials regarding questions where pay for holidays has been granted since July, 1937, to persons now in receipt of unemployment benefit, either wholly or part time; and, where certain days are regarded as annual holidays, what arrangements have been made to ensure that the unemployed person is in no way penalised?

Mr. E. Brown

In the class of cases to which the hon. Member refers a number of claims to benefit have, owing to the extension of holidays with pay, been made in circumstances for which there is no precedent. It is not within my power to issue instructions as to the decisions to be given on such claims. It is necessary to obtain decisions from the Umpire in a sufficient number of typical cases, and this is being done as quickly as possible. I understand that hearings before the Umpire are to take place to-morrow. I cannot, of course, forecast what his decisions may be.

Mr. Gibson

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that there are very cheap sailings from Greenock to the Western Islands and the Isle of Man and that these men were willing to go there, but that because they were not able to sign at the Employment Exchange and the Unemployment Assistance Board centre they lose their allowances; and will he not look into the matter?

Mr. Brown

The hon. and learned Member sent me a very long and interesting letter the day before yesterday, and I will send him a detailed reply as soon as I can. We shall do all that we can to give effect to holidays with pay as soon as we can, but the House must understand that every trade brings up its own problems.

Mr. T. Williams

Will the representatives from the Ministry of Labour who will attend the Umpire to-morrow have the right hon. Gentleman's instructions to support a policy of not robbing the people of the value of holidays with pay?

Mr. R. J. Taylor

Will the right hon. Gentleman also recognise that this pay for holidays is deferred pay?