HC Deb 28 June 1938 vol 337 cc1711-4
60. Mr. Mabane

asked the Secretary of State for War what modification of the present anti-aircraft organisation he is contemplating?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

Perhaps I may be allowed to answer this question at the end of Questions.


Mr. Hore-Belisha

In 1935 the entire responsibility for anti-aircraft defence at home was vested in the Territorial Army. At that time the actual strength of air defence formations in the Territorial Army was under 2,000 all ranks. On 1st January, 1936, the first anti-aircraft division was formed. Its strength at the beginning of 1936 was 5,20o all ranks. By the beginning of January, 1937, a second anti-aircraft division was formed, its strength being just under 7,000. By the present month of this year the total strength of the two divisions had risen to 43,000.

It is now proposed more than to double this figure. The existing Territorial antiaircraft units, with the addition of others about to be created, will be formed into five divisions instead of two. These five divisions will be under a corps commander with the rank of lieutenant-general. The corps commander will be responsible for training (including administration of his training grant), inspection and personal questions. He will be responsible to the Air Officer Commanding Fighter Command for operations. At the War Office an officer with the status of a Deputy-Chief of the Imperial General Staff and with the rank of lieutenant-general, to be designated Deputy-Chief of the Imperial General Staff (Anti-Aircraft Defence) will be appointed. He will be responsible, through the Chief of the Imperial General Staff, to the Secretary of State for antiaircraft defence, and he will devote his whole time to this important service. Under the Deputy-Chief of the Imperial General Staff (Anti-Aircraft Defence) a new Director of Anti-Aircraft Training and Organisation with the rank of major-general will be appointed.

The purpose of the reorganisation which I have outlined is to secure that undivided attention may be given to every aspect and detail of anti-aircraft defence, and to ensure that this branch of defence shall be given a status commensurate with its rapidly expanding scope and importance.

Mr. Mabane

Can my right hon. Friend indicate roughly the geographical distribution of these five new divisions?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

They will cover all the appropriate areas in the United Kingdom.

Mr. Thorne

Do we understand from the right hon. Gentleman's statement that he has no permanent anti-aircraft batteries at all?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

There are Regular anti-aircraft units, but I was dealign with the Territorial units.

Mr. Mabane

May I put my question more precisely to my right hon. Friend? I intended to ask him where the headquarters of the five divisions were. Of course, I understood that they would be in the United Kingdom.

Mr. Hore-Belisha

The corps commander will take his seat with the fighter commander and he will be commander-in-chief of the fighter command, air-officer commanding.

Mr. Bellenger

In view of the fact that the doubling of these figures probably means the recruiting of another 50,000 men, has the right hon. Gentleman any proposal for the recruitment of so large a number of individuals?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

As I have shown by the figures which I have read to the House, recruiting has proceeded recently with accelerating speed, and we have no reason to doubt that the assistance that has been forthcoming from recognised associations and individuals, some of whom are found in all parts of this House, will achieve the required number.

Sir Archibald Sinclair

Can the right hon. Gentleman tell us whether the guns, instruments and equipment are available for the equipment of these new formations?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

I hope that as and when any additional units are formed they will have their proper quota, as have others already in existence their proper training equipment.

Mr. Lees-Smith

Will this scheme include coast defence?

Mr. Hare-Belisha

No, Sir; it is only anti-aircraft defence.

Mr. Davidson

Can the right hon. Gentleman give any indication whether in Scotland there will be a Scottish Command, as we have in the Army and Territorial Force at present?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

One of the divisions will cover Scotland, and to that extent the answer is "Yes."

Mr. Mander

Will it be in order to ask questions about this new Department?

Mr. Ellis Smith

In view of the fact that our modern anti-aircraft gun is one of the most efficient in the world, is the Minister satisfied that he is going to secure the maximum production in the minimum of time?

Mr. Hore-Belisha

Yes, Sir. I think the production of the gun is quite remarkable. It is in production.

Mr. Leach

Is the Minister satisfied that these elaborate arrangements will fully protect him against the approaching Sandys storm?