HC Deb 16 June 1938 vol 337 c376
23. Mr. Batey

asked the Minister of Labour the amount of pension paid to Sir James Price from the Unemployment Insurance Fund; and whether his appointment as a director of Imperial Airways, Limited, for which he will receive £2,000 per year, will in any way affect his pension?

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

Sir James Price on retirement from the Civil Service became eligible for the grant of a pension at the rate of £797 a year. His pension is borne on the Vote for Superannuation and Retired Allowances. I am unaware what remuneration by way of fees or otherwise Sir James Price will receive as a Director of Imperial Airways, Limited, but his pension will be unaffected by any such payments.

Mr. Batey

Why should the Unemployment Insurance Fund pay a large pension when a person accepts a position and receives a large salary? Would not the Unemployment Assistance Board stop the benefit of an unemployed man if he took a job?