HC Deb 03 June 1938 vol 336 cc2417-8
16. Mr. Kelly

asked the Secretary of State for War, what action has been taken on the memorandum submitted to him at Malta on 21st April last by the Dockyard and Imperial Workers' Union on the wages and working conditions of War Department industrial employés in Malta?

The Financial Secretary to the War Office (Sir Victor Warrender)

The memorandum referred to was handed to His Excellency the Governor and Commanderin-Chief.

Mr. Kelly

Has anything been done as a result of the memorandum to improve wages and conditions of these people under His Majesty's Government?

Sir V. Warrender

That is another question, and perhaps the hon. Member will put it on the Order Paper.

17. Mr. Kelly

asked the Secretary of State for War why War Department Employés at Malta, engaged on similar classes of work to that performed by Admiralty employés, are paid a lower wage than Admiralty employés; and will he take steps to increase the wages of such War Department employés?

Sir V. Warrender

I am not aware that War Department employés engaged on similar classes of work to those of Admiralty employés, and working under the same conditions, receive lower rates of pay; but if any definite evidence is forthcoming on the point I will gladly consider it.

Mr. Kelly

Will the Minister consult his officers in Whitehall? He will find that there are many cases where men doing similar work are being paid lower rates by his Department than are being paid by the Admiralty?

Sir V. Warrender

I have consulted my Department and, as I have said, as far as I am aware we do not know that there are any such cases.

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