HC Deb 28 July 1938 vol 338 c3267

Standing Order 41, page 116, line 36, after "post," insert "(and if so sent shall be posted on or before the third day previously to the fourth day of December)."

Standing Order 41A, page 117, line 13, after "post," insert "(and if so sent shall be posted on or before the third day previously to the fourth day of December)."

Standing Order 204, page 217, line 14, leave out "Whitsuntide," and insert" the fifteenth day of May."

Standing Order 246, page 237, line 8, leave out "Residence," and insert "Business," and leave out from "Agent," to end of line 9.—[The Chairman of Ways and Means.]

Standing Orders, as amended, to be printed. [No. 171.]