HC Deb 28 July 1938 vol 338 cc3270-2
11. Mr. Kirby

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that many thousands of men and women in Liver- pool are anxious to register for employment at the aircraft and other new factories in Speke and, when doing so under existing arrangements, are disappointed and consider that applications are not dealt with seriously; and will he provide a special Employment Exchange at Speke where workers from all districts can register specially for employment in the new factories?

Mr. E. Brown

As stated in my reply to the hon. Member on 24th March last, applicants in Liverpool who register at the nearest exchange to their home address will be informed of any vacancies at the aircraft factory for which they possess the qualifications required. The vacancies notified by the firm to the local exchange are, however, largely for skilled engineering trade workers with previous experience in aircraft work. I understand that the firm have received direct applications from other workers in numbers exceeding their probable requirements. I have no reason to believe that under the present arrangements the exchanges fail to bring vacancies at Speke which are notified to them to the notice of suitably qualified applicants, and I do not consider that the establishment of a special exchange is necessary.

Mr. Kirby

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in addition to the other complaints which I have already sent to him, I have one which I received this morning from a skilled engineer, a man who has made written application and is endeavouring to get past the commissionaire at the gate, but has been unable to get any satisfaction from the firm or from the Employment Exchange?

Mr. Brown

I should be glad if the hon. Member would let me have that case.

Mr. Kelly

Is it the case that there is such a great surplus of skilled engineers that they are able to choose while leaving many unemployed?

Mr. Brown

I would not say that. It depends upon where they are wanted.

Mr. Kirkwood

Is the particular engineer to whom my hon. Friend referred a member of the union? If so, he does not need to go running after the "gaffer" for a job.

Mr. Kirby

The question I put did not refer to a union member, but to a man who has the national certificate and the Board of Trade certificate as well.