HC Deb 27 July 1938 vol 338 c3095
49. Mr. Mander

asked the Minister for the Co-ordination of Defence whether he will state the date on which he first approached the trade unions for co-operation in armament production; the results obtained up to the present time; and what further action is contemplated?

The Minister for the Co-ordination of Defence (Sir Thomas Inskip)

I first wrote to the unions on this subject on 18th March. As regards the second and third parts of the question, I would refer the hon. Member to the reply which I gave him on 5th July. This substantially represents the present position.

Mr. Mander

Is it not the case that the 39 trade unions concerned have recently expressed the view that no action is necessary; and, in view of the complete failure of the right hon. Gentleman's negotiations, will he be good enough to say what he proposes to do now?

Sir T. Inskip

The resolution to which the hon. Gentleman refers was passed by one of these bodies—the Confederation of Engineering and Shipbuilding Trades—and I had observed that fact.

Mr. Kirkwood

Is the Minister in a position to inform the House that, as far as the shipbuilding and engineering operatives are concerned, they are, up to the moment, giving him every satisfaction?

Sir T. Inskip

Not only the shipbuilding operatives, but all workmen engaged upon the rearmament programme, have worked magnificently.

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