HC Deb 27 July 1938 vol 338 c3102
65. Mr. Cartland

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he will consider granting the facilities for air training, proposed for the Civil Air Guard, to serving members of the Territorial Army who obtain a recommendation from their commanding officer?

Captain Balfour

No, Sir. It would not accord with the objects of the Civil Air Guard scheme to enrol persons who in times of emergency are under a prior liability for service in the Navy, Army, or Air Force or the Reserves or Auxiliaries of those Forces.

Mr. Cartland

Would my hon. and gallant Friend make the position clear, so that men may join the Civil Air Guard and later when they want to join the Territorial Army, find that they are deprived of these facilities?

Captain Balfour

It will be made entirely clear on the enrolment forms.

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