HC Deb 22 July 1938 vol 338 cc2671-2

Amendments made:

In page 7, line 28, after "section" insert "this Part of".—[Sir S. Hoare.]

In page 8, line 31, leave out from the beginning to "nothing," in line 32.—[Sir S. Hoare.]

Consequential Amendments made.

3.39 p.m.

Colonel Sandeman Allen

I beg to move, in page 9, line 3, at the end, to add: (c) with respect to the employment of a young person who is employed to accompany the driver of a motor vehicle being a driver to whom Section nineteen (Limitation of time for which drivers of certain vehicles may remain continuously on duty) of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, applies. The Clause, as drafted, would have two inspectors for the same vehicle and would have different hours for a man and for a boy working on the same vehicle. Although we introduced a similar provision in the Factories Act in another connection, that had not the same effect as this Clause would have in the case of road vehicles. If this were carried in its present form, the whole organisation of road haulage would have to be altered, or else the type of vehicle used would have to be altered. Structural alterations would be necessary in the vehicle so that the van could be used as a one-man show. I think this shows the necessity for giving some thought to these details, and I deprecate the haste with which these Bills are put through at the end of the Session.

3.40 p.m.

Earl Winterton

I am sorry that the Government cannot accept the Amendment. I must point out that in this respect the Bill only follows the provisions of the Shops Act of 1934 and Section 98 of the Factories Act, and that van boys engaged about the business of shops and factories who come under those two Acts are limited to a five hours spell, and that the Road Traffic Act applies in the same way as my hon. and gallant Friend says that it will apply in this case. In other words, this is no novel procedure.

Colonel Sandeman Allen

In the case of the Factories Act a van might be two miles away.

Earl Winterton

It is a very technical point. Certain van boys who are employed outside the works come under the Acts to which I have referred. Therefore they are in exactly the same position as the class of van boy affected by the Bill. Van drivers employed by shops and factories are already in the same position as van drivers who will be affected by this Clause. It is not a novel procedure.

Mr. Benjamin Smith

This cannot possibly affect the van driver, who is an adult. If the Amendment were carried the effect would be that what is put in as safety legislation would be forced upon the boy. It is entirely wrong.

Colonel Sandeman Allen

As my Noble Friend says that the proposal is already covered, I beg to ask leave to withdraw the Amendment.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Clause, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Bill.