HC Deb 19 July 1938 vol 338 c1987
49. Mr. T. Smith

asked the Secretary for Mines to what extent the Voortman safety stemming-plug is in use in the various coalfields; and whether the Safety in Mines Research Board have had under consideration this process and with what result?

Captain Crookshank

I have no statistical information as to the extent to which this plug is used. The Safety in Mines Research Board has studied the different materials and methods for stemming shot-holes, and considers that the use of plugs in stemming does not result in any greater safety than can be secured by suitable stemming material alone.

Mr. Smith

Has this particular process had the approval of the Department?

Captain Crookshank

I think it has been considered by the Safety in Mines Research Board. Its conclusions are as I have quoted to the hon. Gentleman.

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