HC Deb 19 July 1938 vol 338 cc1958-9
1. Mr. Day

asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs particulars of the amount of weekly benefit and/or relief paid to men, women, and children in Newfoundland during the last year; and whether the same is paid in money or kind?

The Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs (Lord Stanley)

The basis of relief in Newfoundland, which is issued in kind, is to provide those in distress with means of supplementing the natural resources, such as fish, poultry and home-grown produce, which are available to the people in most parts of the island. I understand that in St. John's City the cost per head of the relief rations issued ranges from $6.40 a month in the case of a family of three to an average cost of $4 a month in the case of members of larger families. In the country districts the cost per head is approximately $2 a month, apart from the free distribution of vegetables and fuel in districts where this is necessary. These scales represent substantial increases since the Commission of Government took office. The Commission have also improved both the range and the nutritional value of the rations given.

Mr. Day

Do the persons who obtain relief in kind, especially in the outposts, have any option to go to various local stores?

Lord Stanley

I cannot say.

Mr. Paling

As many urban workers in Newfoundland do not grow any of these products for themselves should they not be given money so that they can purchase the things which they do not grow?

Lord Stanley

The method so far adopted in Newfoundland has been to give relief in kind.

Mr. Paling

I am asking why, as there are many urban workers who do not produce these goods, they are not given money to purchase them?

Lord Stanley

The Newfoundland Government think that this is the best way to give relief.

Mr. Day

Is not this method causing considerable discontent?