HC Deb 19 July 1938 vol 338 c1989
47. Mr. T. Smith (for Mr. Marklew)

asked the Secretary for Mines whether he is aware that coal is being sold for export from the Humber ports at prices much below the prices demanded from Grimsby and Hull trawler owners for similar quality; that the fishing industry is being considerably handicapped in consequence of the failure of efforts to secure an adjustment of prices; and what steps he is prepared to take to ensure that British industrial consumers may be conceded terms not more onerous than those conceded to foreign buyers?

Captain Crookshank

I am aware that, broadly speaking, coal is being sold for export from the Humber ports at prices lower than those quoted for trawler bunkers. I would point out, however, that the Midland District Committee of Investigation recently decided that the prices charged for trawler bunkers were not unfair, inequitable or contrary to the public interest. Export prices for coal, in common with export prices for many other commodities, being fixed in relation to world competition, are sometimes lower than prices charged to inland consumers.