HC Deb 18 July 1938 vol 338 cc1788-9
21. Mr. G. Strauss

asked the Prime Minister whether, in view of the important trade developments taking place between Mexico and other States and the desirability of establishing good relations between the peoples of both countries, His Majesty's Government will initiate discussions for the resumption of normal diplomatic intercourse between Great Britain and the Mexican Government?

Mr. Butler

The information at the disposal of His Majesty's Government does not confirm the rumours that important trade developments are taking place between Mexico and other States. While they deplore the state of the relations now existing between Mexico and this country, His Majesty's Government have received no indication to lead them to believe that it would be useful in existing circumstances to resume the diplomatic intercourse which, to their regret, was suspended through the initiative of the Mexican Government.

Mr. Strauss

Surely a country with the status of Great Britain can well afford to take the initiative in this matter without losing prestige, as it is desirable that there should be no unnecessary rupture between the two countries?

Mr. Butler

I cordially reciprocate the feelings expressed by the hon. Member in the concluding part of the question, but it is not a question of prestige; it would not be useful in present circumstances to take the action which the hon. Member suggests.