HC Deb 18 July 1938 vol 338 c1792
30. Mr. Garro Jones

asked the Prime Minister on what date His Majesty's Ambassador in Berlin had an audience of the head of the German Government; and whether during this period any official conversations designed to bring the two Governments into closer understanding have taken place?

Mr. Butler

The last occasion on which His Majesty's Ambassador in Berlin was received by the Chancellor of the Reich was on 3rd March. Sir Nevile Henderson has since been in communication on a number of occasions with the German Minister for Foreign Affairs, notably in connection with the question of the German-speaking population in Czechoslovakia; and, as my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer informed the House on 1st July last, negotiations between the two Governments were successfully concluded on that date for a revision of the Anglo-German Payments Agreement.