HC Deb 13 July 1938 vol 338 c1302
18. Mr. Gallacher

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty what is the extent of the further outbreak of rheumatic fever amongst the lads in the training ship "Caledonia," at Rosyth; and what steps have been taken to make an examination into the sewage system?

Mr. Cooper

There have been 31 fresh cases of rheumatic fever amongst the trainees in "Caledonia" since 1st April last, a ratio of approximately 18 per 1,000 strength. The sewage arrangements both on board the "Caledonia" and on shore have been under continuous observation by the Departments concerned and, except for one temporary breakdown, against the recurrence of which steps have been taken, no deficiency has been reported. The pumps will again be overhauled during "Caledonia's" summer vacation.

Mr. Gallacher

Will not the Minister arrange to have a special investigation into the sewerage arrangements, which could quite easily be dangerous to the lads, and also will he take into consideration the fact that the ship is continually lying in still waters?

Mr. Cooper

I have had an investigation made, and my hon. Friend the Civil Lord is there to-day, but I do not think there is any reason to suppose that rheumatism could possibly come from any defects in sewerage.