HC Deb 11 July 1938 vol 338 cc916-7
58. Mr. Boothby

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is aware that the inadequacy of the water supply in many rural districts of Scotland will prevent full advantage being taken of the Housing (Rural Workers) Act; whether he is taking all possible steps to improve the supply of water in rural districts; and whether he proposes to introduce legislation to deal with this question?

Mr. Wedderburn

Scottish county councils have represented that the inadequacy of water supplies in many rural districts has hampered the provision of new houses and the improvement of existing houses. My right hon. Friend's predecessor received in May a deputation from the Association of County Councils in Scotland when this question was discussed. It was agreed, in order to ascertain the real extent of the problem, that a small committee should be appointed to co-operate with the Department of Health. This committee is collecting information on the needs and rating resources of every county, and when this information is obtained the position generally will be carefully reviewed.

Mr. Boothby

Does my hon. Friend appreciate that it is not much good passing a law to make it obligatory to have a fixed bath in all these rural cottages if there is no water supply? Does he intend to take any legislative action following the report on this matter?

Mr. Wedderburn

In reply to the first part of the supplementary question, the obligation to put in a bath does not mean that a water supply must be put in if no water is available. In reply to the second part of the question, I cannot make any statement about prospective legislation.

Mr. Day

Is it intended that they should store their vegetables in the bathroom?