HC Deb 24 February 1938 vol 332 c605

Amendments made:

In page 35, line 28, at the end, insert: 'studio' means a building constructed or adapted for the purpose of making films therein, and includes any land occupied with such a building, and a studio shall be deemed to be used in making a film if any part of that film, or of any other film used in making it, consists of photographs taken in that studio; and 'studio scenes' shall be construed accordingly.

In line 31, leave out "exhibitors' quota."—[Captain Wallace.]

4.59 p.m.

Captain Wallace

I beg to move, in page 36, line 17, to leave out paragraph (b) and to insert: (b) displayed to exhibitors or their agents on one occasion on which the film is exhibited to the public at a theatre in Great Britain during the first three consecutive days on which the film is so exhibited. This Amendment is in fulfilment of a promise made to my hon. Friend the Member for South Croydon (Mr. H. G. Williams) in regard to what are known as trade shows. Cases have occurred where a film of some importance has been shown in the first instance to the public in aid of some charity, and such exhibition constituted the trade show. It was considered by the hon. Member that some grievance might arise in this respect. We have not had any complaint in regard to the matter, but the Committee agreed that it was a contingency which should be provided for, and an undertaking was given to seek an amicable solution in the trade. A solution, with which I think everyone will agree, has been reached, namely, that if a film of this kind is exhibited for the first time to a large, distinguished, and handsomely-paying audience in aid of some deserving cause, the requirements of the Statute in regard to the trade show will be met provided that the exhibitors allow it to be seen as a trade show on one of the first three consecutive days on which the film is exhibited.

Amendment agreed to.