HC Deb 23 February 1938 vol 332 cc340-1
24. Mr. T. Williams

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether his attention has been called to the position of Jewish inhabitants resident in those suburbs of Tel Aviv which come under the municipal administration of Jaffa; and whether, in view of the fact that these inhabitants are compelled to pay municipal taxes to Jaffa without receiving normal municipal service in return, he will now take steps to incorporate the suburbs in question with Tel Aviv?

Mr. Ormsby-Gore

I am aware that certain of the residents in Jaffa have, ostensibly for political reasons, refused to pay rates and have obstructed the municipal council in the carrying out of its duties and responsibilities. The Palestine Royal Commission have recommended the establishment of a corridor between Jaffa and Tel Aviv, and while this and other possibilities in connection with partition are under examination, it is not considered appropriate to take up the question of any rectification of boundaries between the two municipal councils.

Mr. Williams

In view of the fact that there are 800 buildings and 2,000 persons receiving few or none of the municipal services, does the right hon. Gentleman not think that the new High Commissioner should consider this great problem?

Mr. Ormsby-Gore

It is all a question of where you are going to draw the line between Jaffa and Tel Aviv. Until you can get that determined, it is quite obvious that the ratepayers and residents in Jaffa have the same status as all other ratepayers, and they must continue to pay their rates to the responsible authority.

Mr. Williams

In view of the allegation that these services are not provided exclusively for the Jewish population, who do normally pay their rates, will the right hon. Gentleman consider this particular point of view of municipal boundaries, pending more permanent determination by the Commission?

Mr. Ormsby-Gore

I must make it clear that I have never heard it suggested that the Jews in Jaffa do not get precisely the same services from the Jaffa municipality as the Christians and the Arabs.

25. Mr. T. Williams

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether his attention has been called to the fact that, when certain Jewish merchants resident in those suburbs of Tel Aviv which come under the administration of Jaffa recently applied for municipal licences, they were asked to pay their taxes and to sign a declaration that they were opposed to incorporation with Tel Aviv, and that when they declined, the licences were refused and they were fined; and can he take steps to protect these individuals?

Mr. Ormsby-Gore

I have no information about this matter, but I am asking the High Commissioner for a report.

Mr. Williams

If the right hon. Gentleman finds that the report is based upon facts that they have been fined for not signing this document, will he have the matter reconsidered by the new High Commissioner when he commences his duties?

Mr. Ormsby-Gore

I must await the receipt of the report.