HC Deb 17 February 1938 vol 331 cc2043-4
20. Mr. Mainwaring

asked the Minister of Labour the total amount paid to publicity agents and for advertising purposes for the trading estates established by the Ministry, separately for each estate and for each year to date?

Mr. E. Brown

No trading estates have been established by the Ministry of Labour. The Team Valley Estate and the Treforest Estate have been established by North Eastern Trading Estates, Limited, and South Wales and Monmouthshire Trading Estates, Limited, respectively. These companies are financed by means of loans provided from the Special Areas Fund under agreements between the companies and the Commissioner. The agreements cover the general basis of development and provide for payment of interest on the loans but do not extend to such details as the amount which may be spent on publicity. This is left to the discretion of the boards of directors of the companies.

Mr. Mainwaring

Are we to understand that the Minister has no information about the amount spent in this connection?

Mr. Brown

I cannot add anything to the answer. If the hon. Member desires any information I am sure the company will be glad to let him have it.

Mr. Mainwaring

Will the right hon. Gentleman make inquiries into the amount spent on publicity and consider whether that amount is satisfactory, having regard to the meagre results?

Mr. Brown

I should say, as far as I have observed, that the publicity has been extremely well done, and I should have thought that hon. Members in South Wales would have welcomed it.

Mr. Mainwaring

What about results?