HC Deb 17 February 1938 vol 331 cc2041-2
12. Mr. J. J. Davidson

asked the Minister of Labour the total number of registered unemployed in Scotland for the years ending January, 1935, and 1938, respectively?

Mr. E. Brown

The average numbers of unemployed persons on the registers of Employment Exchanges in Scotland for the years ended January, 1935, and January, 1938, were 330,341 and 243,217, respectively.

Mr. Davidson

Can the Minister say what number or percentage of that decrease are now in employment and what number are on Poor Law relief?

Mr. Brown

This number covers all who are on Poor Law relief, with the exception of such workmen as are outside the Insurance Act—a small number; I believe about 3,000 over the whole country. Otherwise all those who receive Poor Law relief are covered.

Mr. Davidson

The Minister has indicated a decrease. Can he give figures showing the number of men in that decrease who are actually now in employment?

Mr. Brown

Perhaps the hon. Member will be good enough to put that question on the Paper, and I will do my best to give him an answer.

13. Mr. Davidson

asked the Minister of Labour the total amount paid in unemployment benefit for the whole of Scotland, excepting Leith, for the years ended January, 1935 and 1938, respectively?

Mr. Brown

The approximate amounts paid in unemployment benefit for the area specified in the question during the years ended January, 1935 and 1938 respectively, were £4,400,000 and £4,100,000, the latter including £79,000 for agricultural benefit. The figures exclude payments made through associations, for which a geographical analysis is not available.

Mr. Davidson

If any Member of the House desires it, will the right hon. Gentleman issue a confidential report with regard to the part of Scotland that is carefully avoided in this question, on which the right hon. Gentleman is very well informed, and so are his constituents?