§ 3. Mr. Manderasked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether he has any information as to the position in Australia with regard to the refusal of the Waterside Workers Federation to load war material for Japan; whether similar action has been taken in other Dominions; whether he is aware of the extent to which war material is being shipped by the Dominions to Japan; and whether any co-ordinated Empire policy exists in this matter?
Mr. M. MacDonaldI have no information about the incident mentioned in the first part of the question beyond what has appeared in the Press. The only similar incident of which I am aware in other Dominions occurred in New Zealand, where the waterside workers on one occasion refused to load cargo on Japanese ships. With regard to the third part of the question, I have no precise information, but if by the term "war material" the hon. Member means arms and ammunition, I am not aware of any such shipments. As regards the last part of the question, I would remind the hon. Member of the resolution adopted at the Assembly of the League of Nations last year to which all the members of the British Commonwealth are parties.
§ Mr. ManderAre not these workers in Australia and New Zealand giving a very fine lead to individuals throughout the Empire, and have not they set an example which we all might follow?