HC Deb 10 February 1938 vol 331 cc1235-6
35. Mr. Parker

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department the grounds on which admission to this country was refused on 30th December, 1937, at Dover to M. Jacques Coeckelenberghe, thereby putting him to great expense and inconvenience, although he had sufficient money for his journey and his papers proved that he was to visit this country as a guest with his expenses paid?

The Secretary of State for the Home Department (Sir Samuel Hoare)

Leave to land was refused on the occasion in question because M. Coeckelenberghe was unable to satisfy the immigration officer that he would be in a position to support himself during his visit. Though he proposed to stay for a week or more, he had only about 20s. in cash and could produce no evidence that his expenses would be paid or that he would receive hospitality. He was allowed to telephone in order to try and get in touch with friends, but was apparently unable to obtain a reply before the boat sailed. When he arrived again on the following day the necessary evidence was forthcoming and he was allowed to land for a week's visit.