HC Deb 07 February 1938 vol 331 c668
45. Mr. E. Smith

asked the Prime Minister whether he has given further consideration to the requests made for a Select Committee to investigate the position of ex-service men and to the representations made to the Minister of Pensions by several deputations; has he yet received a report from the British Legion; and, if so, what action is it proposed to take in order to deal with the problem of ex-service men and widows who are suffering and in want through the effects of war service?

The Prime Minister (Mr. Chamberlain)

I have now received reports from both the British Legion and the Scottish section of the Legion, the second of which only reached me on Saturday, 29th January. I am intimating to both parties that I am prepared to meet a joint deputation from them on any date which will be mutually convenient. Until the proposals of the Legion, which are very far-reaching, have been fully considered by the Government, I am not in a position to say what further action may be found desirable.

Mr. Smith

Will the Prime Minister also be prepared to receive with that deputation, a representative deputation from this House? In view of the fact that the Prime Minister is receiving deputations from well-organised vested interests in this country dealing with the Coal Bill, surely it is not asking too much that a representative deputation from this House should also be received for the purpose of laying before him the grievances of the ex-service men?

The Prime Minister

I did not say that I would not receive such a deputation. I have not been asked to receive one.

Mr. Smith

Will the Prime Minister bear in mind that I am now making the request, and will he be good enough to consider the request now made?