HC Deb 22 December 1938 vol 342 c3096
70. Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he will make a statement on the progress made in the Isle of Lewis, apart from the town of Stornoway, in the provision of communal water supplies since 1931; and in which villages water supplies have been provided by the local authorities and the Department of Health for Scotland since 1931?

The Under-Secretary of State for Scotland (Mr. Wedderburn)

I am informed that in the Harris district of the Island the Inverness County Council since 1931, with the aid of grants from the Department of Health, have provided piped water supplies for Leverburgh and Kintulavig, and for Scalpay, and have also taken over and improved the existing supply at Tarbert. I am not aware that any public water supplies since that year have been provided in the Lewis portion of the island by the Ross and Cromarty County Council.

Mr. MacMillan

May I draw the attention of the Under-Secretary to the fact that the Isle of Harris is not in the Isle of Lewis, and, therefore, has no bearing on the question? Will he consult his right hon. Friend on the geography of the Western Isles? With regard to that part of the reply which did bear on the question, may I ask whether it is the fact that there has been no progress whatever?

Mr. Wedderburn

It is all one island. In regard to the second part of the reply, I have been informed by the county council of Ross and Cromarty that they considered the proposal for a pipe water supply in that area to be impracticable.

Mr. MacMillan

Then will the Department finance it themselves?