HC Deb 22 December 1938 vol 342 cc3092-4
65. Mr. R. Gibson

asked the President of the Board of Trade what were the figures for each of the last three years of the volume and value, respectively, of the exports from British India to the countries of the British Empire outwith the United Kingdom; and the proportions of the said exports carried in British and non-British ships, respectively?

Mr. Stanley

With the hon. and learned Member's permission, I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT particulars of the value of exports of Indian merchandise to British countries other than the United Kingdom for the years ended 31st March, 1936, 1937 and 1938. The official statistics published by the Government of India do not furnish information as to the volume of Indian exports to the British Empire, or as to the proportion of those exports carried in British ships.

Following are the particulars:

During the years ended 31st March, 1936, 1937, end 1938, exports of Indian merchandise to British countries other than the United Kingdom amounted to £17.7, £19.5 and £24.5 million respectively. Owing to the separation of Burma from India as from 1st April, 1937, the figures for the first two years include exports from Burma. The figure for the last year excludes exports from Burma but includes exports from India to Burma (valued at about £8,000,000). On the basis of exports from India and Burma together prior to the change, the figure for the year 1937–38 comparable to those given for the two previous years would be approximately £23,000,000.

66. Mr. Gibson

asked the President of the Board of Trade in connection with the 15 non-British vessels chartered by the Government for the carrying to United Kingdom ports of Rumanian wheat purchased by the Government, what was the carrying capacity of each of those vessels; what sums were included in the respective charter-parties for stevedoring dues; and how were these sums expended, and to whom paid?

Mr. Stanley

As the answer to the first part of the question is in tabular form, I will, with the hon. and learned Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT. As regards the second part, the sums included in the charter parties for stevedoring are 2s 6d. a ton in every case. These sums are being credited to the Board of Trade, who are paying the actual cost of stevedoring to the charterers.

Following is the table:

The cargo capacities of the non-British vessels fixed to load Rumanian wheat as provided in the charters are as follow: