HC Deb 12 December 1938 vol 342 cc1603-5
64. Mr. T. Williams

asked the Minister of Agriculture what quantity of malting barley was purchased by the brewing industry for each of the last seven years, including 1938; and the average price paid?

Mr. W. S. Morrison

As the reply includes a table of figures, I propose, with the hon. Member's permission, to circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Williams

Can the right hon. Gentleman tell us approximately what has been the fall in the price of barley this year, compared with the average?

Mr. Morrison

That is a different question from the one on the Order Paper, but if I had notice of it I could answer it.

Mr. Williams

In view of the known difference in the price paid by the brewers this year compared with previous occasions, does the right hon. Gentleman not think that he might consult the brewers, who are not unsuccessful in their business, and ask them to make some contribution towards the barley growers?

Mr. Morrison

The hon. Member is aware that there is a conference sitting between the brewers, the maltsters, the merchants and the growers on this matter.

Lieut.-Colonel Heneage

Can my right hon. Friend say when that conference is likely to report?

Mr. Morrison

No, Sir.

Following is the reply:

The following statement shows the quantity of malt, and its approximate equivalent in barley, used by the brewing industry in each of the years mentioned, together with the approximate quantity of home-grown barley purchased by the industry in those years. As regards the present season, I would refer the hon. Member to the reply which I gave to my hon. Friend the Member for South-West

Year (a). Quantity of Malt used in brewing (b.) Barley equivalent of malt (c) Quantity of Home grown Barley used by brewers (d). Price of Home grown Barley.
per cwt.
000 cwt. 000 cwt. 000 cwt. s. d
1931/32 7,115 9,487 (e) 8 0
1932/33 7,240 9,653 5,611 7 3
1933/34 7,996 10,661 7,089 8 10
1934/35 8,444 11,259 7,458 8 1
1935/36 8,646 11,528 7,729 8 0
1936/37 9,067 12,089 8,189 10 0
1937/38 9,379 12,505 8,063 11 7
(a) The years for malt used and its barley equivalent are October to September; those for homegrown barley used by brewers are July to June; and those for the price of home-grown barley are September to August.
(b) Quantities as returned by His Majesty's Customs and Excise; those for 1937/38 are provisional and subject to correction.
(c) One quarter of barley (448 lbs.) has been taken as equivalent to one quarter of malt (336 lbs.).
(d) Quantities as furnished by the Brewers Society to the Import Duties Advisory Committee and representing between 95 and 98¼ per cent. of the total barrelage of beer brewed in the United Kingdom.
(e) Information not available.