HC Deb 06 December 1938 vol 342 c1006
86. Lieut.-Commander Fletcher

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware of the anxiety existing amongst the native population of Nigeria concerning rumours of the transfer of Nigeria to Germany; and that mass protest meetings are being held throughout Nigeria; and whether he will give an assurance that no such proposal is contemplated by the British Government?

Mr. M. MacDonald

I received various reports from the Governor of Nigeria on the subject. At the beginning of last week the Governor, on my authority, stated in the Legislative Council that His Majesty's Government has no intention of considering the transfer of Nigeria from British administration. I have received, through him, a message from the unofficial members of the Legislative Council expressing gratitude for this assurance; and I trust that the anxieties to which the hon. and gallant Member refers have now been allayed.