HC Deb 14 April 1938 vol 334 cc1281-2
3 and 5. Mr. George Hall

asked the Minister of Labour (1) the number of new works established in South Wales by the Government and private enterprise during the past five years; and whether there is any promise of other works in the near future;

(2) whether, in view of the still high percentage of unemployment in South Wales, with the present falling off of trade in the coalfields, the Government are considering the setting up of more new industries in that area?

16. Mr. S. O. Davies

asked the Minister of Labour whether the Government are considering the establishment of additional works in South Wales; and, if so, whether particular consideration will be given to the claims of Merthyr Tydfil?

Mr. E. Brown

Nine factories or other establishments have been, or are being, erected, by or on behalf of the Government in South Wales, in connection with the rearmament programme, and it has been decided to establish two further munitions factories, one in Merthyr Tydfil and the other in the Pembrey area. Between 1933–37, inclusive, 20 new works and seven extensions to existing works were opened by private enterprise. These include two factories which were erected on the Treforest Trading Estate. Since the end of 1937 five further factories have been completed and at the present moment 23 are in course of construction or planned to meet definite requirements on the Trading Estate and elsewhere under facilities available through the commissioner. I have no information about factories erected entirely by private enterprise since the end of 1937.

Mr. Hall

Arising out of that statement, which will be much appreciated in the districts where the new factories are to be established, can the right hon. Gentleman inform us of the nature of the works there and the probable number of men who will be employed?

Mr. Brown

I cannot give the probable number of men, but the factory at Merthyr Tydfil will be somewhat similar to the one being erected at Mossend in Lanarkshire, and the one at Pembrey is in addition to the T.N.T. factory already established there.

Mr. Hall

Will the right hon. Gentleman meet representatives from the areas concerned and Members of Parliament, so that other details can be given to them after the holidays?

Mr. Brown

I shall be glad to do that after the holidays.

Mr. James Griffiths

Will the Pembrey factory which has now been announced be in addition to the factory which was announced six weeks ago?

Mr. Brown

Yes, this is another one.

Mr. Wise

Is my right hon. Friend aware of the very real appreciation felt on all sides for this step towards the rehabilitation of South Wales, and will he take note of the hope that it is only the forerunner of many others?

Mr. Brown

I am sure the House feels as I do about this.

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