HC Deb 14 April 1938 vol 334 c1285
13. Mr. Tinker

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that in Salford 40 per cent. of the unemployed on the register at the Employment Exchange are over the age of 45 years; can he give the percentage for the whole of the country; and will he indicate to the House what measures the Government intend to take to see that employers share the responsibility of finding work for them?

Mr. E. Brown

The proportion of the unemployed men over the age of 45 in Salford is 39 per cent. The corresponding proportion for the country as a whole is 40.9 per cent. In reply to the last part of the question I have nothing to add to the answers given to the hon. Member for Llanelly (Mr. J. Griffiths) on 7th April.

Mr. Tinker

In view of the tragedies that arise in these cases, cannot the Government get a move on and do something more for these people?

Mr. Brown

If the hon. Member will look at last month's communiqué and the one before, he will discover that those who have been out of employment for more than 12 months are decreasing in numbers. We are doing everything possible to get jobs for the maximum number of these unemployed men.