HC Deb 12 April 1938 vol 334 cc919-21
51. Mr. Riley

asked the President of the Board of Trade how many licences for the export of war material from this country to China and Japan respectively, have been issued since 1st July, 1937, to the nearest available date, and the approximate total value of such exports in each case?

Captain Wallace

The licences issued since 1st July, 1937, for the export of war material from the United Kingdom destined for China and for Japan numbered respectively 19 and 8. The total value of the arms, ammunition, and military and naval stores registered as consigned from the United Kingdom to China from 1st July, 1937, to 28th February, 1938, was £183,000, and the corresponding value for Japan was £61,000.

Mr. Riley

In view of the fact that Japan has been declared to be an aggressor against a member of the League of Nations, will not His Majesty's Government consider the advisability of granting no licence for Japan at all?

Captain Wallace

I would refer the hon. Member to a question on exactly the same subject which I answered on Monday.

Mr. Macquisten

Is it not the case that a major portion of the war material being used by China comes from German sources?

36. Mr. Gibson

(for Mr. Anderson) asked the President of the Board of Trade how many licences have been issued in the last six months for armaments for export and to what countries they have been consigned?

Captain Wallace

During the six months ended 31st March, 1938, 207 licences have been issued for the export of war material to 32 foreign countries. With the hon. Member's permission I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT a list of the countries concerned.

Following is the list:

Statement showing the foreign countries of destination for which licences for the export of war material have been granted during the six months ended 31st March, 1938.

Afghanistan. Mexico.
Argentina. Netherlands.
Belgium. Netherland East
China. Indies.
Colombia. Norway.
Denmark. Poland.
Egypt. Portugal.
Estonia. Roumania.
Finland. San Salvador.
Greece. Saudi Arabia.
Honduras. Soviet Union.
Iran. Sweden.
Iraq. Switzerland.
Italy. Turkey.
Japan. United States of America.
Lithuania. Yugoslavia.