HC Deb 12 April 1938 vol 334 cc932-3
62. Mr. Radford

asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster whether the accredited representatives of the men at the Fairey aviation works have now been allowed to inspect the damaged machines; and, if not, why this request on the part of the men has not been acceded to?

The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (Earl Winterton)

I am informed that the company had a full discussion with representatives of the men on 29th March concerning these cases of malicious damage; but no request to inspect the damaged machines has been made on behalf of the workmen and the damaged parts have actually been repaired. The management of the factory would, however, have no objection to indicating to the accredited representatives of the men, by reference to a similar machine, the exact nature of the damage in question, if such a request is put forward. The Government have the utmost confidence in the workmen and welcome their co-operation in this matter. Hon. Members will, of course, appreciate that the work of detecting the persons guilty of the malicious damage must remain the responsibility of the police authorities.

Mr. Radford

While thanking my Noble Friend for his reply, may I ask him whether he agrees that the surest safeguard against such a crime as sabotage is the whole-hearted co-operation of the men in the factories?

Earl Winterton

I have said so on two previous occasions.

Mr. Ellis Smith

Will the right hon. Gentleman bear in mind the need for expediting the publication of the results of the inquiry in order that the enemies of the people can be exposed before the whole nation?

Earl Winterton

That is clearly a matter for the police. As the hon. Gentleman knows, when the police are investigating a crime we cannot demand that they should produce results within a certain time. I am content to leave it to them.