HC Deb 07 April 1938 vol 334 c493
7. Mr. Day

asked the Minister of Labour the number of education authorities in Great Britain in whose area there are no courses of instruction available to persons under the age of 18 under Section 15 of the Unemployment Act, 1930; and whether he will give the numbers of wholly unemployed boys and girls claiming benefit at the same date?

Mr. E. Brown

The Section now operative in this respect is Section 76 of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1935. The requirements of that Section as regards the provision of junior instruction centres are complied with by all the higher education authorities in which the requisite conditions exist, namely, in 77 out of a total of 181. The number of wholly unemployed boys and girls claiming benefit on 14th March last was 14,521 boys and 11,601 girls.

Mr. Day

Cannot anything be done in the other districts?

Mr. Brown

I have pointed out in this answer that the provisions of the Section are complied with by all the higher education authorities in which the conditions exist. In the other districts there is no need for centres.

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