HC Deb 07 April 1938 vol 334 c647

9.7 P.m.

Mr. W. S. Morrison

I beg to move, in page 23, line 16, to leave out from "that," to "no," in line 17.

We are now dealing with a Clause which is intended to provide machinery for co-operative effort among the inshore fishermen. In the discussions in Committee, some doubt was expressed as to whether the Bill as drafted was adequate to provide discretion to the Commission for putting forward schemes, and in the course of the discussion, I made a suggestion, which was favourably received by the Committee, that an Amendment should be made so as to leave the classes of fishermen for whom these co-operative schemes may be set in motion at the discretion of the Commission. I think that was considered by all sides of the Committee as being a good suggestion.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendments made:

In page 23, line 18, leave out from "by," to "and." in line 19, and insert "the application of a marketing scheme to such persons."

In page 24, line 26, at the end, insert: (c) for making exemptions from all or any of the provisions of the scheme in respect of such classes of persons, and such activities, as may be specified in the scheme or determined by the authorised body."—[Mr. W. S. Morrison.]