HC Deb 06 April 1938 vol 334 cc321-3
9. Mr. Mander

asked the Prime Minister whether he will consider the advisability of taking steps to secure for racial minorities in Germany full civil liberties, either by direct negotiations or through the machinery of the League of Nations, in view of the difficulties created for other countries by the number of refugees leaving Germany?

Mr. Butler

His Majesty's Government re already playing their part in such international action as is possible for dealing with the problem of refugees from Germany, and do not consider that it would be feasible to take steps on the lines suggested by the hon. Member.

Mr. Mander

In view of the interest being shown by the British Government in racial minorities in certain countries, is it not their duty to do all they can to secure a discontinuance of the gross cruelty being inflicted on minorities in Germany itself?

Mr. Butler

It is for them to do what they can, but I do not think it would be feasible to take the steps suggested.

Mr. Mander

Have the Government in mind any alternative steps?

Colonel Nathan

What is the position of Germany as regards the obligations of Austria under the Minorities Treaty, to which Austria was a party?

10. Mr. Mander

asked the Prime Minister what countries have accepted the invitation of the United States Government to concert methods for providing assistance to political and Jewish refugees from Austria; and whether it is proposed to ask Parliament to make a grant for the purpose?

Mr. Butler

I am circulating in the OFFICIAL REPORT the names of the 15 countries which have replied favourably to the invitation of the United States Government. As regards the second part of the question, it is a part of the United States proposal that any financing of the emergency emigration to which the proposal refers should be undertaken by private organisations within the respective countries. The question of a Parliamentary grant does not, therefore, arise.

Mr. Mander

Can my hon. Friend say whether any countries have refused to take action?

Mr. Butler

I should want notice of that question, but I am circulating a list of those which have accepted.

Mr. Mander

Can we have an assurance that the Government will make the best possible use of this opportunity of co-operation with the United States of America?

Mr. Butler

Yes, Sir.

Following are the countries:

The Argentine. Haiti.
Belgium. Mexico
Brazil. Nicaragua
Colombia. Paraguay.
The Dominican Republic. Peru.
France. Sweden.
Guatemala. Uruguay.

17. Mr. A. Henderson

asked the Prime Minister whether he is now in a position to make a statement on the question of Austrian refugees receiving the protection of the League of Nations?

Mr. Butler

I regret that I am still not in a position to make a statement on this question, but I hope to be able to do so at a very early date.

37. Mr. Thorne

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies how many Jews from Vienna and other parts of Austria landed in Palestine or in any mandated territory since 12th March?

The Secretary of State for the Colonies (Mr. Ormsby-Gore)

I have not the information that would enable me to reply to this question. As regards Palestine, the conditions under which immigrants can obtain admission into the country are well known to the House. They apply to Jews from Austria no less than from other parts of the world.

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