HC Deb 05 April 1938 vol 334 cc179-82
20. Sir W. Davison

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware of the large amount of leasehold property in the country in respect of which the lessees are under covenant to replace and make good all damage done to the same; and whether, having regard to the fact that such lessees are no longer able to insure their liability in this respect with regard to air-raid damage, he will introduce legislation absolving lessees from Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer

liability in respect of damage to property caused in this way?

Mr. Stanley

As I indicated in the answer I gave on 1st February to the hon. Member for Tamworth (Sir J. Mellor), this matter is receiving consideration, but I am not at present able to make any further statement.

Sir W. Davison

Does my right hon. Friend realise the great anxiety which is felt by lessees who are under special covenants to rebuild their premises, and does he not think that some promise should be made by the Government, pending their definite statement, that they will see that they are not liable to rebuild premises which are destroyed by hostile aircraft?

Mr. Stanley

I quite realise the urgency of this matter, and I am sure that the hon. Member realises also the difficulties. It is a matter which requires very careful consideration, and calls for a good deal of consultation with expert advice outside, and, as I say, it is under the active consideration of the Government.

Sir W. Davison

Thank you.

45. Mr. Arthur Henderson

asked the Prime Minister whether, in view of the importance and the difficulty involved in the organisation of air-raid precautions throughout the country, he will arrange for the Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department to devote his whole time to this work?

The Prime Minister (Mr. Chamberlain)

I have consulted my right hon. Friend the Home Secretary, but, as at present advised, I do not think that an alteration of the kind suggested is required.

Mr. Henderson

Will the Prime Minister bear in mind that there is a good deal of public uneasiness with regard to the present position of air-raid precautions, and that such an arrangement might do much to reassure the people?

The Prime Minister

I do not think there is any cause for public uneasiness. As I have said, I do not think that any alteration of the kind suggested is called for.

Dr. Haden Guest

Is the Prime Minister aware that it is difficult for local authorities to get on with their air-raid precautions because of the lack of definite direction, and that if the suggestion of my hon. Friend is not to be carried out it would be well to increase considerably the staff of the Air-Raid Precautions Department and of those who, as inspectors, come into contact with local authorities throughout the country?

The Prime Minister

That question should be addressed to the Home Secretary.

Mr. Noel-Baker

Does not the experience in Spain indicate that a smaller number of aircraft than we expect would bring about spontaneous evacuation?

37. Mr. Parker

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what encouragement is given to builders and householders to construct air-raid shelters; whether the procedure for the approval of deposited plans by local authorities can be expedited; and whether such shelters are to be derated?

The Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd)

In a recent circular, my right hon. Friend pointed out that it is the duty of the local authorities to give advice and instruction to the public, and that it must be assumed that householders, in the light of this advice, will do what they can to increase the measure of protection afforded by their own homes. I am not aware that delays are occurring in the approval of plans by local authorities, but if the hon. Member has any cases in mind perhaps he will let me have particulars. As regards the last part of the question, I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given by my right hon. Friend the Minister of Health to the hon. Member for Newcastle-on-Tyne, Central (Mr. Denville) on 31st March

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