HC Deb 28 October 1937 vol 328 c252
63. Mr. Watson

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what steps he proposes to take to meet the demand from many parts of the country for an improvement in the rate paid to old age pensioners and others in receipt of pension; and whether immediate consideration can be given to this matter?

Sir J. Simon

The Government cannot undertake to introduce the legislation which would be necessary to authorise the all-round increase of old age and other pensions which the hon. Member appears to have in mind.

Mr. Watson

In view of the feeling expressed in the country would the right hon. Gentleman take notice of the feeling which has been expressed in this House during this week on the matter?

Mr. H. G. Williams

Did my right hon. Friend take notice of the desire on the part of hon. Gentlemen opposite when they had responsibility, and at a time when the cost of living was higher than it is now?

Mr. McEntee

In view of the fact that wages and salaries generally have increased in every industry since the Old Age Pensions Act was passed, would the Government give consideration to increasing the pension rates to these people, who, after all, require more than ordinary workers do?

Mr. Gallacher

Will an inquiry be set up?

Sir J. Simon

The matter is not really one which can be discussed at Question Time. I was asked whether I was prepared to introduce legislation and I am bound to give answer that, after full understanding of the considerations it would be impossible for the Government to undertake to do so.

Mr. Gallacher

What about an inquiry?

Mr. Thorne

You have power in the Budget, if you like to use it.