HC Deb 21 October 1937 vol 327 cc31-2
71. Mr. Jenkins

asked the Secretary for Mines whether further consideration has been given to the advisability of subsidising coal exports from this country; whether consultations have taken place between the Government, the coalowners, and / or the Miners' Federation; and whether any decision has been reached.

The Secretary for Mines (Captain Crookshank)

As my right hon. Friend the Minister of Labour informed the House on 9th March last, the coal industry's request for financial assistance for the coal export trade had been withdrawn for the time being. That is still the position.

72. Mr. T. Smith

asked the Secretary for Mines the total quantity of coal exported this year from the Humber ports, respectively, and the comparative figures for 1936 and 1932?

Captain Crookshank

As the reply involves a number of figures, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the information:

Quantity of Coal exported from the Humber Ports during the nine months ended September, 1937, 1936 and 1932.

Nine months ended September. Port.

Port Nine months ended September.
1937. 1936. 1932.
Tons. Tons. Tons.
Goole 686,571 550,383 548,139
Grimsby 53,048 52,607 102,993
Immingham 1,555,885 1,048,276 1,125,183
Hull 750,925 491,599 663,364
Total 3,046,429 2,142,865 2,439,679
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