HC Deb 30 November 1937 vol 329 cc1870-1
37. Mr. Day

asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs particulars of the negotiations and correspondence that have taken place with the authorities in the Dominions for the purpose of obtaining their views on the Clauses and terms of the Cinematograph Films Bill which is at present before this House?

Mr. M. MacDonald

Copies of the Moyne Committee report, and of the White Paper containing the proposals for legislation on cinematograph films, were sent to the Dominions at the time. No observations 'have been received from them upon the contents of either of these documents.

Mr. Day

Is it intended to consult the Dominions after the Bill has left Committee?

Mr. MacDonald

The Dominions are 'lot concerned with the legislation of this House. As the President of the Board of Trade assured the House the other day at Question Time, the question of approaching certain Dominion Governments or certain Australian State Governments in regard to their legislation is being kept in mind.

Mr. T. Williams

Is the Minister aware that Dominion Governments need not be consulted, and that under the terms of the Cinematograph Films Bill they can do just as they like?

38. Mr. Day

asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether he will give particulars of all films that have been censored and/or not allowed to be shown in the Dominions for the 12 months ended at the last convenient date?

Mr. MacDonald

I have only in my possession at present particulars relating to film censorship in the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand, and, as a number of figures are involved I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate them in the OFFICIAL REPORT. I am making further inquiries as regards Film Censorship in the other Dominions, and I will communicate the results as soon as possible to the hon. Member.

Mr. Day

Are we to take it that those films which have been banned can be shown as Empire films?

Mr. MacDonald

Perhaps the hon. Member will study the figures when they are published in the OFFICIAL REPORT, and then ask me any question which arises out of them.

Following are the figures:

Commonwealth of Australia (for the year 1936):
Standard Films—
Passed without eliminations 1,518
Passed with eliminations 147
Rejected in the first instance 19
New Zealand (for the 12 months ended 31st March, 1936):
Passed without eliminations 1,958
Passed subject to excisions 19
Rejected 11